Application to Enrol For Our Junior Infants Class for School Year 2025-2026
Enrolment process for Junior Infants starting school in September 2025 are invited to make an application by web enrolment from October 1st 2024. The web enrolment link will be available from 9am on Tuesday, October 1st and you will be requested to load a copy of birth certificate and proof of address if living within Dunboyne catchment area.
Junior Infant Enrolment Criteria
Junior Infants must be 4 years of age on or before 1st June in the year of enrolment.
I understand that completion of this form does not guarantee or constitute an offer of a place in Dunboyne Junior Primary School or an offer of a position on a waiting list.
I understand that it is my responsibility to inform Dunboyne Junior Primary School of any change of phone number, email address, postal address, telephone number, or other relevant circumstances.
I understand that any misinformation will deem this admissions form invalid. Should there be any other confidential information you do not wish to put on this form, please contact the school to arrange an appointment with the principal.
Please enter all your child’s details in the form below and then click “Send details to the school”. This year we have introduced new software that will allow you to attach a copy of the birth cert and proof of address if living within the parish boundary. Upon completion of web enrolment, you will receive a confirmation email with a reference number.
All applications will be reviewed and offers will follow in due course.
Click to enrol for Junior Infants 2025-2026.
Please read our Admission Policy
If you have any problems accessing the link, please contact the office by email at